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Shalini Munduiya

Shalini Munduiya has been practising yoga and incorporating its philosophy into her life for over 8 years now. She holds CCYPI 200 hour Certificate from MDNIY, Diploma in Yoga Science from the prestigious MDNIY, Ministry of Ayush , Certificate in Yoga For Flexibility and YTT 200 Hours Certificate from Yoga Alliance. She creates a safe, non-competitive space for her students to dive beneath the surface of their daily lives to find deeper meaning and inspiration. Her classes offer creative sequences with intentional themes, emphasizing the importance of proper alignment, pranayama breathing techniques, mindfulness, and meditation. Shalini’s kind and gentle mannerisms are well suited to lead students of all levels. She leads a spacious practice with focus on sensing breath, exploring movement and stillness, and discovering relationships between body, mind, and spirit. Her experience as a dancer and passion shines through her teaching. She is dedicated to holding space for her students to practice mindful curiosity and to come alive through embodied practice. She is honoured to teach yoga, helping to bring balance, awareness, health, and happiness into other’s lives. You can DM Shalini for classes on Instagram.